
There are two ways of running the proxy:

  1. Docker, which is the recommended way
  2. Run the python code directly

In both cases it expects some parameters. The up to date parameter list as well as their defaults can be found with the -h flag.


A docker container is available on Docker Hub. There are two tags:

This tag follows the GitHub master branch. This is not guaranteed to be stable, although it should at least start.
This is the release tag and supposed to be stable.
$ docker run vladvasiliu/aws-alb-oauth-proxy:latest http://grafana.internal:3000



This code requires Python 3.7.

You can get the code from GitHub and run it as is.

aws_alb_oauth_proxy is a Python module and can be run directly:

$ git clone
$ cd aws-alb-oauth-proxy
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python aws_alb_oauth_proxy http://grafana.url:3000

You may however want to use this inside a virtual environment. If you’re unfamiliar with virtualenv, see the docs.